Find out how close your organisation is to achieving ISO 27001 certification

Find out how close your organisation is to achieving ISO 27001 certification

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Has your organisation published an overarching Security Policy (mission statement) demonstrating Management/Board intent?
Has your organisation established an information security risk assessment/management process?
Does your organisation have a risk treatment plan?
Are information security risks assigned to a risk owner?
Has your organisation established an information asset register with asset owners assigned?
Does your organisation have a designated Information Security Officer / Manager?
Has your organisation established an Information Security Group/Forum (or similar)?
Has your organisation established an information classification scheme / process?
Has your organisation established a robust security incident management process (log and review security incidents)?
Does your organisation conduct and follow schedule of internal information security audits?
Does your organisation conduct an annual information security review?
Does your organisation have policies ensuring your suppliers comply with data protection and information security best practice?
Are security metrics / KPIs captured and reported to senior management?
Do all staff undertake (at least) annual Information Security awareness training?
Have legal (i.e. GDPR) and contractual obligations related to information security been identified and documented?
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Risk Crew