Data Protection: What Constitutes ‘Evidence of Compliance?’

Data Protection

Are you fully compliant to the GDPR and DPA 2018? Can you prove it?

Want to learn more on how to ensure evidence of compliance? If so, this webinar is for you.

Hosted by our Data Privacy & Protection expert, Andy Whitaker.

Andy discusses the use of key performance indicators to implement and monitor to ensure you can demonstrate compliance. You won’t want to miss this last one in the Data Protection & Privacy series!


Register for the webinar:
Data Protection: What Constitutes ‘Evidence of Compliance?’

The session covers:

  • Data protection due diligence. How much is enough?
  • How do you know what you know?
  • 6 essential Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Data capture and reporting fundamentals
  • Interactive Q&A with an experienced Data Protection Expert

Sign up for our future webinars and get previous webinar recordings on-demand on our website.

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